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Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mother's Day

Like all holiday's at the Ellenburg house, Mother's day is a big deal. Family is important to us. My husband, who is awesome, always gets me something flashy -I think it's so he can hear me tell people he bought it for me, like my great new running shoes or my new macbook pro - told you he is awesome. The kids on the other hand, always get me something that makes me cry. It's the big finale to Teacher's appreciation week. I love the Mother's day projects the kids come home with. Grant made me a ladybug flower pot.
But Jackson brought home this. It had a card attached that said:

The Pot of LOVE
Each item in this pot represents your unselfish love:
Hershey Kiss for the kisses you give
Hershey Hugs for the big hugs that never end
A penny for the times you spent you last penny on me when you were in need
A Lifesaver for the times you kept me safe from harm
An eraser for your forgiveness when I made a mistake
A paperclip for the times you help me tight when I was sad
A tissue for the times you wiped away my tears
A bandage for all the times you healed my hurts
A toothpick for helping me to pick out the good in others
A candle for all the times you light up my life
Seeds for the Christian you helped me grow to be
This pot holds all the happy Memories of a Mother and a child
Yes, Mother, just me and you.

I only got to Hershey Hugs before Michael had to take over reading for me.

Thank you to the wonderful teachers of my babies & yours that take the time to create these great gifts that our babes can't wait to give us. I love them & look forward to them and will miss them when they don't make my gifts anymore.

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